First you need to see where you stand in the world of credit.
Problems with your credit report are often difficult and time-consuming to correct, even when they're not your fault. That's why it's wise to review your record every year as well as several months before you begin shopping for a house or a mortgage.
Three different companies maintain your private credit history , often called credit bureaus, which collect and store information supplied by the department stores, credit card companies and others with whom you have accounts. Not all creditors report to all three repositories, though, so your file could be different with each one.
What To Do
To obtain a copy of your credit report, call, write or e-mail each company. Your request must include the following information:
Your full and complete name, including such appellations as Jr., Sr. and III
Your current address
Your previous addresses, if any, for the past two years
Your Social Security Number
Your date-of-birth
Your phone number
The three major credit-reporting agencies to contact are:
Equifax Credit Information Services
PO Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
Experian National Consumer Assistance Center
PO Box 949
Allen, TX 75013-0949
Trans Union National Disclosure Center
PO Box 390
Springfield, PA
19064 800-888-4213
Have any special credit needs, questions or need assistance?